With fading summers, it’s time to welcome the coldest season of the year and closing your in-ground pool. If you have your pool, you would surely be searching how to Winterize your In-ground pool. Indeed, you would get numerous content on it. But all you need is the correct information from the right source. So, Backyard Masters is here to tell you how to winterize your in-ground pool in Long Island, NY.
Backyard Masters have years of experience and knowledge about pools. Here you can get a wide variety of choices in hot tubs, outdoor furniture, masonry work, gazebos, pergolas, outdoor kitchen components, chemicals, accessories and the highest quality grade of galvanized stealth pool kits for reasonable prices. We have more than 300 stores across the United States.
Before answering your question, how to winterize your In-ground pool in Long Island, NY, we’ll go over some topics you need to know before.
What is winterizing an in-ground Pool?
Do not get confused between winterizing an in-ground pool and closing an in-ground pool. Both of them are two different things.
Closing an in-ground pool means that pool will not be used for some time but could be used soon. For closing an in-ground pool, you turn off the switch and cover it. Here you are not concerned about freezing temperatures. You close an in-ground pool just for some time, maybe to save the electricity bill or pool maintenance cost.
Whereas, winterizing an in-ground pool means preparing it for the winter season. When you decide not to use an in-ground pool for months, or we can say at the end of pool season when frosty weather is about to come. You remove equipment and accessories and drain water out from the lines and vessels, for that matter.
Why do you need to arrange your In-ground pool for the cold?

When the temperature takes a dip, snowing, freezing start across the globe. If you have an inground pool, it’s essential to make it ready for it. Otherwise, water in the pool will freeze and damage tiles, filters, pumps and other equipment. The vinyl liner sheet will dry out and crack. Water will turn into green algae, and dust, leaves and other debris will pollute it. Due to all this, people’s health will get affected. It will result in huge expenses and leave you with an empty wallet. It is necessary to prepare it for freezing temperatures to protect your pool, family and of course your hard-earned money. Water left with chlorine and algaecide will protect your water from algae growth and freezing, and make every little moment enjoyable with your loved ones in the next spring.
How to winterize your In-ground pool
Backyard Masters will explain to you how to Winterize your In-ground pool in Long Island, NY in 7 simple steps:
- Remove accessories and clean the pool
Remove detachable elements like cleaners, ladders, diving boards, skimmer baskets, stairs, and other material from the pool. Then, clean it thoroughly, brush the wall, vacuum poolsides and the floor. Remove debris and algae, which will balance the water and protect it from algae growth.
- Test and Balance the water chemistry
Test and balance the water about a week before closing the pool. It is one of the essential steps of how to Winterize your In-ground pool in Long Island, NY. It will help to prevent corrosion and scaling during the coldest season of the year. So, Check its calcium hardness, pH, alkalinity and chlorination level.
- Check water alkalinity level. If it is low, it can result in a change in the water’s colour into the green, rapid fluctuation of the pH and even burn the swimmer’s eyes. And high levels of alkalinity can lead to cloudy pool water, which will be difficult to clean in the spring.
- If the water pH level is low, it wrinkles the vinyl sheet; that’s why it is essential to be balanced.
- Adjust calcium hardness because ignoring it can result in severe and costly damage. Low calcium levels can destroy plaster, grout, metal and vinyl liners in inground pools. And, excessive calcium will lead to cloudiness in the water and irritation to the eyes and skin just like excessive alkalinity does.
You should ask a pool professional while selecting a kit for the pool. Before proceeding, do not forget to read the instructions given on it.
- Lower the pool water level
You should lower the pool’s water level because it may crack the tiles and tear the liner if your pool water freezes. Leaving water in the pool will cover the liner and protect it from drying up. Otherwise, If the pool lining dries out, it can stretch and expand and even lead to cracks. When you fill the pool again, the water will get into those splits and damage it further, which can cause an actual vent on your wallet. As prevention is better than cure, it is better to lower the water level depending on the pool cover you are using. If you use a mesh cover, lower the water level in the pool almost a foot below the skimmer. Or if you are using a solid cover for it, then about half a foot lower the water level. Remember, do not drain the pool entirely as it may become unstable due to underground water’s hydrostatic pressure. The water level should only be below the skimmer and jets, so water will not get into the pumping system.
- Drain the equipment and store them safely
Now drain all equipment and disconnect the fittings to prevent cracking due to a fall in temperature. Disconnect and clean all filters and pumps, and keep them inside during harsh weather. Remove the filter pressure gauge, all return jet fittings, chlorinator and skimmer baskets.
- Blow out the lines
Clean the water from the pool line and use the blower to make it dry completely. You can pour pool antifreeze into the skimmer and other lines with the use of a funnel. It will help to protect pipelines from freezing and cracking. But do not pour it into the pool. Also, do not use it for pool equipment. It can be dangerous because metal and rubbers react with salts and glycol. Before using any pool antifreeze, you must read the package directions provided by the manufacturer for how much to add.
Note: Pool antifreeze and antifreeze are two different things. Please do not use them interchangeably. It also reacts when used with chlorine. So, do not pour both of them at the same time.
- Add a winterizing chemical kit
Add a winterizing chemical kit. It will increase chlorine and algaecide levels in the water, which will help to make it ready for the whole winter season by keeping it free from freezing and algae.
Otherwise, You can add shock into the pool slowly, which is a high dose of chlorine used to boost the water’s chlorine level quickly so that all the parasites, viruses, and bacteria are killed. The best time of the day to add it into the pool is the evening or at night because the sun’s rays can turn it into a gas, which will rise into the atmosphere instead of mixing up in the pool water. Then add Algaecide to the pool to prevent algae growth and keep the water clear and shiny.
Remember! Do not pour both of them together; otherwise, they will be of no use and must follow instructions provided by the manufacturer before proceeding.
- Cover the Pool
Finally, we have reached the last step of How to Winterize your In-ground pool in Long Island, NY that is to cover the pool. Covering your swimming pool will protect the water from dust, leaves and other debris. Two types of covers for the pool are safety covers and winter covers.
- Safety cover protects the pool water from waste and people or animals from accidentally falling in.
- Winter covers are made from plastic. They will withstand the weight of ice and snow.
- No matter which covers you use, they should be rigid and free from holes or tears.
What can happen if you don’t prepare your in-ground pool for frosty season?

At Backyard Masters, we recommend you arrange your in-ground pool for the cold season. If you don’t, then water in pipes, filters, and pumps will freeze, and it can even burst them, which will result in high repair costs. Along with this, the water’s colour may turn green with algae. And bacteria on it could cause serious health issues, which will lead to huge costs and dent in your wallet.
Summing up
Backyard Masters hope that our blog post on how to winterize your In-ground pool in Long Island, NY has helped you to understand the steps along with the reason behind it and provide you with some extra information about each and everything. We recommend that before using any product ask pool professionals and must-read precautions provided by the manufacturer. Other than that, If you need anything regarding the pool and its accessories we will bring you everything. Here at Backyard Masters, from pools, hot tubs and swim spas to correct tools and chemicals accessories we have it all in Long Island, NY. You just name it and we have got it.
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